Our booking platform offers rental deals for the most popular car types in Turkey. For a refined search, apply filters on the results page, and make the car rental comparisons easier through the categories of your choice.
If you are planning to take a trip to Turkey and looking to rent a car then look no further. We bring you the most valuable car rental deals from Oscar Rent a Car. You can book a car for long-term or short-term deals through our website and get the most discounted prices for each car category.
You can book a car with Oscar Rent a Car for a minimum duration of 24 hours.
If you want to rent a car for months, then you can book a long-term deal with Oscar.
Book a one-way rental if you wish to drop off the car at another location.
The website was easy to navigate and renting a car from here was an easy process.
The competitive pricing was quite impressive and there was a wide selection of vehicles.
I needed some last minute modifications in my booking and Oscar let me make the changes hassle-free.
Booking a car online from Oscar was easy at this website. I was able to compare different options and choose the best deal.